Fund Details
Clarion West Novel Workshop 2025

Brief Description:

Apply for the Clarion West Novel Writing Workshop. The workshop will run entirely online from March 10November 17, 2025. This virtual workshop is designed to guide speculative fiction writers through the first draft of a novel. Learn more on our website.

Anticipated time commitment: 
  • Weekly classes on craft, genre, and process, starting with your existing draft or outline. Approximately 2 hours per week. Note: Classes will run from MarchMay and again from SeptemberNovember, with a three-month break to focus on the writing during JuneAugust, in which you’ll still have access to check-ins and writing sessions. 
  • Monthly one-on-one meetings with Samit Basu to help fine-tune your approach and keep you on track. Approximately 1 hour per month.
  • Guest lectures from industry professionals to expand your understanding of the speculative fiction landscape. Approximately 12 hours per month.
  • Author-centered workshop models that prioritize your goals to help you gain clarity and confidence in your writing process. Approximately 2 hours per month.
  • Community and critique partners that will help keep you on track. (Flexible)


From Start to Finish… Your Novel: Join Our Nine-Month Speculative Fiction Novel Writing Workshop!

Led by author and Six-Week Workshop instructor Samit Basu, with the support of the Clarion West team, this program is built around finding your unique process. 

At the end of nine months, you’ll have a complete draft, or a solid roadmap for completing your manuscript.

Please create a username to begin your application to the Novel Writing Workshop. You may save your application and return at a later date to complete it.

Applications are open November 11
–December 15, 2024. This means you must submit your application by 11:59pm Pacific Time on December 15. There is no application fee for the novel writing workshop.

If you have questions about the novel writing workshop, please read more on our website or email

Begin Accepting Applications Date:
Deadline Date (PST Time Zone):
12/15/2024 11:59 PM